Become a Volunteer

The Rogue Folk Club is dependent on its volunteers. We need lots of help!

Volunteers are the lifeblood of the Rogue Folk Club. They give us their time and energy and commitment, they move chairs, pour drinks, sell tickets, sell CDs, and clean up after concerts; they help out in the office - filing, archiving, etc.; they collate and fold the Rogue Folk Review for mailing; they sit on our governing board and they help us to spread the word about our wonderful concert series. Without these loyal volunteers we would not be able to present concerts in venues like St James Hall, our ticket prices would be higher, and we would not be able to bring you the variety of roots music styles and the balanced program of established artists and promising newcomers that have earned us international renown for nearly two decades.


Throughout the year, the efforts of all volunteers are recognized with special volunteer nights, pot luck parties (which often include free CDs) and compensation for extra effort with free tickets to concerts. Above all volunteers get the chance to meet the performers, to gather with fine like-minded people, and to participate in the building of our thriving series of concerts that is the envy of communities throughout the world.

If you would like to help keep the Rogue Folk Club banner flying high, please call us at 604-732-1305 or email the .

Just wanted to take a moment to, again, say thank you for producing our CD release concert. St James Hall was the most perfect place for us. I can't tell you how impressed I was with your wonderful crew of volunteers. It was absolutely amazing to watch. One minute the hall was empty and then, suddenly, the doors started opening and people started showing up and in a very short time the place was transformed into a wonderfully intimate performance space. It was magical. Please pass on my thanks and appreciation to everyone. They worked together like a well oiled machine... only they all had very genuine smiles and exuded a true spirit of hospitality and cooperation. Absolutely the best!!! 

Marcus Mosely of The Sojourners,
after their CD launch on Nov 24, 2007

Concert Volunteers

Concert jobs include everything from backstage hospitality to selling memberships and CDs, from box office to running the bar, and of course, set up and clean up at the venue. Concert volunteers at St James Hall get delicious food from local businesses and a discount on beverages. We are also currently looking for a few good people who might be interested in door-to-door leafleting in the KItsilano area.

Contact for more information.

Inventory & Supplies

We need help on concert days picking up items like beverages, desserts, coffee, ice, and other supplies, and bringing them to St James Hall. If you have a vehicle and can help between the hours of 5pm and 6pm, we would love to hear from you!

Contact for more information.

Fundraising and Grant Writing

We need help with grant writing and other fundraising ideas. if you have any experience in these areas - or are looking to expand your skill set in this direction, please let us know.

Contact Paul Norton at for more information.

Press Gang (Publicity Street Team)

This is your opportunity to help us spread the word about our shows, if you have a passion for music and want to help make The Rogue even more successful; if you know your neighbourhood and are comfortable chatting with members of your community and with putting up concert posters in music-friendly locations, distributing flyers, etc. Your reward? Free admission to selected shows.

Contact for more information.

Board Volunteers

Board volunteers are highly dedicated to ensuring the Rogue Folk Club continues to meet its strategic objectives. Board members attend monthly meetings and participate in many of the concert and office operations. In exchange they may attend concerts for free.

Contact the for more information.