Pharis & Jason Romero

We appreciate your help!
3214 West 10th Ave, Kitsilano
All ages
This event has already taken place.
Pharis and Jason Romero live in the tiny town of Horsefly, BC, where they raise two small kids, make handmade banjos as the J. Romero Banjo Co, and write, play and teach old and new roots music. They’ve won a Juno Award, Canadian Folk Music Awards, and a Western Canadian Music Award for their three releases as a duo so far, and have toured near and wide with their heartbreakingly harmonic live show in an ever-evolving and never-ending quest for good songs and beautiful sounds.
This Rogue Folk show is to celebrate a CD release tour for Pharis & Jason’s newest album (and the first of all original songs), Sweet Old Religion. The record is adventurous in the couple’s love of early folk music, with light, love and time as the leading themes. It’s a record that sounds like over a decade of playing and listening together. The songs, written over the past three years, explore the work-love-life-relationship balance while being work-at-home parents and bringing two young children on the road, losing loved ones, optimism for the future, and deep gratitude for a loving community following a disastrous fire. Part duets and part featuring guests, it’s Pharis & Jason at their very finest, their most open, and their most givin’ ‘er.
And special for this show - they’ve got a band! Marc Jenkins on pedal steel and Patrick Metzger on bass will join them for this much-anticipated evening.
The Rogue Folk Club is pleased to provide great Sponsorship Opportunities for all our shows. For a nominal cost, individuals or businesses can sponsor any of our shows and reap a number of benefits - free tickets, reserved table, recognition on literature, our web site and at the concerts. For more information simply contact our Sponsorship Director Morris Biddle at
Please note that the admission price for this concert includes a $1 Venue Improvement Fee that we are required by the St. James Square to collect from every patron. Starting in September 2016, the proceeds from this temporary fee will be used for construction projects such as air conditioning that will make the hall a nicer place for you to visit in the future. If you wish, you can make a secure donation of any amount over $5 (NOT $100 as it says) by clicking on the big blue button at the bottom of the page at For information on donating by phone or post, please contact the St. James Square office at 604-739-9373.