The White Album Revisited

The White Album Revisited (BC)

We appreciate your help!
3214 West 10th Ave, Kitsilano
All ages
This event has already taken place.
Please note that regular discounts including Parcels O'Rogues are not available for this special fundraiser.
Come celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Beatles' White Album!
The evening will showcase 29 innovative interpretative arrangements of 29 songs featuring a core band of musicians with special guests. To commemorate the occasion, some of Vancouver's funkiest musicians including (in alphabetical order) Duncan Bain, Llowyn Ball, Mike Braverman, Bill Coon, AK Coope, Michael Creber, Moshe Denburg, Allan Dionne, Sandy Fiddes, Martin Fisk, Dave Gibbons, Ed Henderson, Andy Hillhouse, John Korsrud, Kate Hammett-Vaughan, Jacquie Leggatt, Steve Maddock, Giorgio Magnanensi, Rob McKenzie, Finn Manniche, Andrea Minden, Laurence Mollerup, LJ Mountenay, Tony Nickels, John Oliver, Marin Patenaude, Ron Samworth, Doug Smith, Allen Stiles, Lesley Sutherland, Cameron Wilson and Ari Wise pay homage to this classic album in a gala benefit concert for PAL Vancouver. The album will be performed in its entirety and in its original order.
N.B. We are now able to offer a few tickets for sale at the door only on the day of the show. Doors open at 6:30pm - earlier if possible. The hall is not licensed for this event, but we will have a small bar in Room 120, downstairs in the building. It will ONLY be open before the show (from 6:30 to 7:30) and during the intermission (approximately 9pm until 9:30pm). So if you check in at the door, save your seat, and then take the stairs down to the bar. You can enjoy a drink there. You will NOT be able to bring your drinks upstairs, though. They must be consumed in Room 120. We will also have a "dry" bar in the lobby, serving coffee, tea, soft drinks, water, chips, nuts, cookies, etc. throughout the evening.
All concert proceeds will be going to PAL Vancouver (The Performing Arts Lodges provide longstanding members of Vancouver’s performing arts professions with affordable housing within a vibrant and creative community setting.)
The White Album Revisited promises to be a night to remember.
The Rogue Folk Club is pleased to provide great Sponsorship Opportunities for all our shows. For a nominal cost, individuals or businesses can sponsor any of our shows and reap a number of benefits - free tickets, reserved table, recognition on literature, our web site and at the concerts. For more information simply contact our Sponsorship Director Morris Biddle at