Steve's Blog
Friday February 22, 2013

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Hi everyone

I suddenly find myself in Toronto, surrounded by hundreds of incredible musicians at the Folk Alliance Conference. It's a 4 or 5 day intensive meeting with 2,500 delegates and hundreds of showcase concerts. Highlights so far include Judy Collins, De Temps Antan, Pharis &Jason Romero, Karine Polwart, Anais Mitchell & Jefferson Hamer, Sherman Downey, Oh My Darlin', and Scots band Breabach. This is so much bigger than a folk festival, as there are not just 7 or 8 stages at any given time; more like 50! It's an incredible experience, and it's not just music, it's also the chance to catch up with old friends and fellow DJs and make future bookings and generally keep cultivating ones connections in the music business.

Heather McCain is filling in once again on CiTR tomorrow from 8am to noon on 101.9fm and

I'm flying back on Sunday morning and looking forward to 4 hours sleep on the plane! Then we'll be all set for a fantastic concert on Sunday night.

1. Alasdair Fraser & Natalie Haas, Sunday February 24th, 8pm, St. James Hall, 3214 W.10th

This concert is not only a MUST for fans of Celtic music and Scottish fiddle, it should appeal to everyone with a sense of musical adventure and music history. Alastair and Natalie have made 3 delightful CDs together and have toured the world as a duo, reuniting the old alliance of fiddle and cello, that was the core of Scots dance music ensembles all the way back to the 18th century. Fraser's tone and drive are unparalleled, and he is widely regarded as the finest fiddler Scotland has produced in decades. Haas' cello alternately weaves around the tunes or underpins them with a compelling energy that sparks the music into brilliant life. On fast tunes their sound is irresistibly catchy, and on slow airs she will make the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. They make such beautiful music together! There are still a few tickets left, so book now (you can always record The Oscars, you know. Live music is much more exciting - and better for you than sitting at home in front of the TV.)

NB if you wish to use a voucher from the Sheehan / Graham concert, you must email us via the website or call the hotline before Sunday.

See you there!
